Before You Travel, Visit Our Clinic
If you're travelling outside of North America, it's important to know the risks and to take the proper precautions. At Palliser Medical & Travel Clinic in Lethbridge, we offer a range of services to travellers to keep you safe, and which might even save your life! Contact us today.
We offer a medical risk assessment for your specific travel itinerary. Recommendations on travel vaccines depend on the travel itinerary.
Some vaccinations, such as yellow fever, typhoid and polio may be required for entry into your destination country.
We follow CDC, WHO and PHAC guidelines.
All vaccines are available onsite.

How to Book an Appointment
Please schedule your consultation at least 6 weeks prior to travel.
Call us at 403-381-1013.
A few things will be required for your consult:
An Alberta provincial health care number, date of birth and email address for each traveller
A list of prior vaccinations. If you have received vaccinations in Alberta please login or register to MyHealthRecord (alberta.ca/myhealthrecord) to print off list. If you have received vaccinations anywhere outside of Alberta, you must find a way to obtain proof of vaccinations as we will not have any means to do so.
Completion of a pre-travel assessment form (see below).
Credit card information for payment of fees (see below)
3 Days prior to your appointment a secure online pre-travel assessment form will be e-mailed to you.
Complete this form as soon as possible.
Results are automatically added to the electronic medical file we created for your consult.
The cost of travel vaccines are not covered by Alberta Health Care.
We provide all information needed to submit for reimbursement to your health spending accounts or health insurance.
The consultation fee is $50 for the first person and $25 for each additional person.
The fees are paid on the day of the appointment prior to consult with the physician.
Appointments cancelled less than 24 hours prior to consult will result in charge of $25/person to provided credit card.
If you no-show the appointment, a charge of $25/person will be applied the your credit card.
Failure to provide out-of-province vaccination records will result in a charge of $25/person applied to your credit card & appointment will be rebooked.